Dan's Rules of Life

The following "rules" are not really rules. They are more like observations or philosophies. So why do I call them rules? When some jerk cuts you off on the highway, it just sounds better to say "Rule Number One", than to say "Philosophy Number One". It is also my web page, so I can call them anything I want. If you don't like it.....see Rule Number Two.

 1. People are stupid. (This one really needs no explanation.)
 2. You will get over it. (No matter what horrible thing happens to you, if enough time passes you will get over it. Maybe not completely, but enough to continue on in life.)
 3. No one is exempt from Rule Number One. (At some point in your life, maybe several, you will do something stupid. It will happen, but that is ok because of Rule Number Two.)
 4. It's always something. (This may be my favorite. I even have this saying printed on my checks. You know how it is. You just received a check in the mail for 200 hundred dollars. Boom! Next thing you know, your car breaks down, you need a new water heater, the kids need braces, and the list goes on. Don't be sad, its part of life. Besides, Rule Number Two.)
 5. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. (If you don't understand this one, see Rule Number Three.)
 6. Don't go to a gun fight.
 7. Do whatever you want......don't hurt anyone. (If everyone would just follow this rule, it would be a happy place indeed! Unfortunately, there is Rule Number One.)

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