Tranquility Interrupted

There is a lot of Photoshop at work on this one. The girl and genie were created and posed in Poser. The beach was then created in Bryce, and the poser figures were imported onto the beach. All of the coloring for the figures was done in Photoshop. The girls bikini was also created in photoshop by using the selection tool and the multiply fill mode. The skin tones were created by using the dodge and burn tools, as well as the smudge tool. The smudge tool was also used on the hair, to give it a more natural look. The beach blanket was also created in Photoshop, by using the selection tool with the gradient fill. The genies bottle was created in Bryce, and then pasted into the photoshop composite. All of this hard work, and I could not decide on a name for this piece. I give credit to my beautiful wife Belinda, for coming up with the title, "Tranquility Interrupted".

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